Supporting Innovation
Our faculty and staff have expertise in business and technical disciplines to support
the innovation and growth of food and agricultural products and processing and promote
food safety for consumers.
including large and small businesses, producers and entrepreneurs
focusing on food and agricultural business and technical disciplines
Facilities & Equipment for Food Processing
It is estimated about 20,000 new food products are introduced annually. Whether it
is product development by well-established food manufacturers or the launch of a small
entrepreneurial company, research and development is required before a product goes
to market. FAPC has specialized rooms, laboratories and equipment focusing on animal
harvesting, food manufacturing, grain milling and baking, sensory profiling, food
microbiology and analytical services, as well as demonstration and prototype testing
that meet the needs and demands of the food and agricultural industries.
Food Processing
Oklahoma’s food processing sector contributes over $2 billion and provides nearly
18,000 jobs and a payroll of $711 million to the state’s economy. FAPC’s processing
facility was designed with the needs of the Oklahoma food and agricultural products
processing industry in mind; therefore, it fits all levels of the industry. The value-added,
one-of-a-kind center has processing expertise and capabilities in the areas of meat
cuts, processed meats, cereal grains and baked goods, and fruit and vegetable products.
Food Safety, Quality Management & Sanitation
Delivering a product that not only is of a consistent quality but also safe for consumers
is a high priority for the food industry. Proper sanitation procedures perform an
important portion of daily operation and a necessary step in food safety. Appropriate
guidance on use of sanitation chemicals and procedures for equipment is a highly important
technique in food processing. FAPC has expertise in food safety, quality assurance
and sanitation practices to meet the needs and demands of the food and agricultural
Packaging & Labeling
Proper packaging and labeling is critical to attract consumers, meet necessary regulations
and be food safety compliant. FDA and USDA have certain labeling requirements food
processors must use to communicate needed information to those using and purchasing
food products. FAPC has expertise in reviewing labels for compliance and visual appeal,
and problem solving through the critical decision-making process in finding the right
packaging, whether it is a new product or a product line packaging update.
Regulations, Customer Requirements & Compliance
The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) was signed into law in 2011, giving FDA new
authorities to regulate the way foods are grown, harvested and processed. This caused
an increase in requirements for preventive controls, as well as good monitoring and
record keeping. A food safety plan is a must for all levels of the food industry,
and third-party audit programs are being required by a greater number of wholesale
and retail customers. Complying with federal, state and local regulations, as well
as customer requirements can be complex and puzzling. FAPC can help food producers
and processors put the puzzle pieces together through many of its services and trainings
to include global food safety systems, produce safety alliance requirements, HACCP,
internal auditing and preventive controls for human food/animal foods.
Sustainability & Environmental Concerns
A sustainable foodsystem is one that provides healthy food to meet current food needs,
while maintaining healthy ecosystems that also can provide food for generations to
come with minimal negative impact to the environment. Consumers’ perceptions and desires
are serious driving forces, which shape how the food industry operates. Sustainable
practices of food manufacturers are imperative in today’s food processing environment.
FAPC can help processors examine their current practices regarding water usage, waste
management and utilization, packaging selection, distribution options and other efficiencies
within a company’s process flow.
Focus Areas
Get information specific to YOUR needs.
We strive to provide information and assistance that fits the needs of the food and
agricultural industry. Our focus areas include agribusiness economics, business marketing
and communications, cereal chemistry, food engineering, food microbiology, food processing,
food safety and quality assurance, horticultural processing, meat science, milling
and baking, oilseed processing and product development.