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Food and Agricultural Products Center

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Behind the Communications

Friday, May 13, 2022

Typing on laptop keyboard


What is agricultural communications and how does it support an industry that supports the world? Students with a background in agricultural communications find themselves with careers such as marketing specialists, communications directors, policy advocates, social media specialists and content managers. Currently, I serve as a communications graduate assistant at the Robert M. Kerr Food and Agricultural Products Center managing all communications services.


Before working at FAPC, I didn’t know the scope of trainings and workshops offered to entrepreneurs and food safety professionals in Oklahoma. As an out-of-state student, I didn’t know the extent of the Made in Oklahoma programs and the collaborative partnership of MIO and FAPC. The role of communications is crucial because it helps inform Oklahomans of available services offered by FAPC.


With the goal to promote the resources and people at FAPC, a normal work week involves scheduling social media posts across different platforms and updating the website with relevant information. Although this might sound simple, it takes a lot of planning and time to create content, which includes taking photos and writing captions. Consistency with FAPC social media posts is key. This includes adding the logo to photos, daily posting and caption formatting.


The reach of social media is limitless. On FAPC social media, I promote things such as upcoming events and current research projects. It’s rewarding to share the stories and achievements of the people at FAPC. Recently, the annual Research Symposium at FAPC allowed undergraduate and graduate students to share their research with oral and poster presentations. By sharing event content on social media, the research presentations reached a wider audience for networking. It’s important to recognize and encourage the success of students and staff.


I also write press releases, design e-blasts promoting upcoming workshops and create a monthly newsletter highlighting current news. Faculty and staff at FAPC are regularly featured in SUNUP TV’s Food Whys videos and interviewed for The Food Files podcast. As needed for events, I design pamphlets and assist with workshop binder covers. In this position, I’ve also gained experience with creating advertisements for FAPC Cowboy Meats, the retail meat program in which the public can purchase

local meat processed at FAPC.


For the past year I’ve served in this position, I’ve learned a lot about time management and coordinating with food microbiologists, specialists and engineers at FAPC. It can be difficult to understand the science behind agriculture. The communication of agriculture-related information bridges the gap between the public and industry professionals.