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Food and Agricultural Products Center

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Visiting researcher from Langston University

August 1, 2023

Sydney Love, visiting researcher, describes her experience with the Horticulture REEU Extension Program at OSU.

Mysterious Starters

July 14, 2023

Renee Albers-Nelson, milling and baking program manager, describes her experience working with sourdough starter.

Nutrient content of plant- and dairy-based cheese

June 6, 2023

Nurhan Dunford, oil/oilseed specialist, describes the evaluation of cheese and growing demand for plant-based cheese alternatives.

Finding a passion for agricultural communications

May 23, 2023

Kirsten Hollansworth, communications graduate assistant, describes her passion for agricultural communications and experience at FAPC.

Living a dream of research in the food industry

April 24, 2023

Cristina Popovici, Fulbright Visiting Scholar from the Technical University of Moldova, discusses research opportunities and her experience at FAPC.

Aceto balsamico di Modena, more than just a condiment!

March 20, 2023

Nurhan Dunford, oil/oilseed specialist, describes tasting the world-famous balsamic vinegar in Modena, Italy, when she was on sabbatical leave last year.

Best Business Advice from a Marketing Specialist

February 13, 2023

Andrea Graves, business planning and marketing specialist, offers business advice for clients in the food industry.

Best Methods for Successful Working Relations with Inspectors

January 10, 2023

Joel Jackson, meat pilot plant manager, provides tips for food industry professionals to maintain successful working relations with inspectors.

Budgeting for the New Year

December 19, 2022

Kirsten Hollansworth, communications graduate assistant, explains how to achieve financial goals in the new year.

Not All Wheat Makes Good Bread

November 21, 2022

In this value-added blog, Renee Albers-Nelson, FAPC baking and milling specialist, explains the process of analyzing wheat entries for the annual Oklahoma 4-H/FFA Wheat Show Quality Improvement Program.

Every Business Needs a Website

October 24, 2022

Kirsten Hollansworth, communications graduate assistant, explains why it is essential for every successful business to have a website.

Simit: Turkey’s quintessential street food

September 14, 2022

Nurhan Dunford, oil/oilseed specialist, explains simit, a ring-shaped baked product significant to Turkish culture, while she is on sabbatical leave at Ege University in Turkey.

Reduction of Single-Use Plastic on College Campuses

August 26, 2022

Dani Bellmer, food process engineer, describes how universities are combating plastic pollution with alternatives for single-use plastics on college campuses.

International student visits FAPC

July 20, 2022

JashanPreet Singh, a visiting student from India, participated in research at FAPC with the National Agricultural Higher Education Project.

Why we should not feed animal milk to babies

June 22, 2022

Nurhan Dunford, FAPC oil/oilseed specialist, describes the nutritional needs of infants, who should not be fed cow’s milk as the types of protein and fat present are difficult for babies to digest.

Behind the Communications

May 13, 2022

Kirsten Hollansworth, communications graduate assistant, describes the importance of agricultural communications to promote resources and people at FAPC.

Celebrate April as Made in Oklahoma Month

April 18, 2022

Andrea Graves, business and marketing specialist, describes the membership benefits of the two MIO programs in honor of Made in Oklahoma month.

Immune boosting foods

March 16, 2022

Nurhan Dunford, FAPC oil/oilseed specialist, describes the relationship between food and a healthy immune system.

Scoping out the food industry in 2022

February 14, 2022

Stephanie Baker, FAPC quality management specialist, describes five things in the food industry to watch and prepare for this year.

Where's the Beef?

January 14, 2022

Joel Jackson, pilot plant manager, explains the expectations and yields for first-time customers searching for a new supply of beef throughout the pandemic.